Apr 30, 2012

Hepatitis B

Problems of Hepatitis B
As we know that Hepatitis is one of the common viruses but immedicable complaint. There still doesn’t have any effective medicine or treatment can totally solve this disease.

Possible Cause:
People is infected through vertical transmission, blood or blood product, medical devices (Scalpels, dental drills, endoscopic or laparoscopic etc), close sexual encounter or people go to publicbarber shop or beauty salon, those public bathhouses and razors will spread HBV virus to people who do not have antibodies.

Possible Solutions:
If the mother has infected HBV, after give birth, baby has to vaccinate and vaccinate Immunoglobulin within 24 hours. People should not use same syringes with patients, all medical devices should be sterilized, patients should not use the same razors, toothbrushes in order to avoid be sterilized by scratching the skin or mucous membranes and do not donate blood. In daily life, patients should sleep early, no alcohol drinks, take body check twice a year at least.

Desired Impact:
This disease will persecute the patient for entire life. The patient has to mind what foods they cannot eat, what sport they cannot play and they must sleep early ( it creates many limitations to the patient. And also Hepatitis is that it affects patients’ lifestyle, their healthy, even their career, such as researcher in the laboratory, police or the job of which is required roll shifts. Furthermore, people who get the HBV may be discriminated by people around them; it’s pretty hard for them to make friends or promotion move up.

Apr 25, 2012

Competitive Advantages

We have 10 higher education institutions in Macao. In this small place, it’s too many for us to have 10 higher education institutions. That means local student they have more choices, as the result, universities have to be more competitive through creating competitive advantages and extend their strong and professional categories. In USJ, we perform western style teaching system, compare to other universities in Macao, USJ promotes its teaching style in order to attract more students. For our students, they know that USJ is the only one in Macao providing completely different style of teaching compare with our traditional teaching methods. People would like to try and study in the western style university, it’s a pretty match for many mixed people and foreigner in Macao.

In the education market, even we have these competitive now, but if we don’t keep improving, one day we may lose our competitive advantages. Such as, in the past decades,  America is the most powerful county in the world, it’s local enterprises has globalized their business, they have many competitive advantages compare to other companies in the same industry, sometime even monopolize the industry. However we can see that nowadays, China, Russia, Brazil and India develop very well, and they waver in America’s status, as we can see the different between these countries and America. The most valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable is technology, that’s why America is still the leader of the world. For USJ, I think the most valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable is research. Once its student and professor create or find out something very significant for the world, the creator and research can apply patent for their product or theory. This is pretty hard for other competitors to copy, nevertheless, these kinds of professor may go to work for our competitors, so that human resources become vital for asking these employee to stay in USJ. It helps USJ to become more popular.

USJ is running well with the resources it has. It trains students regarding the modules and try to help them to find a job. During the learning process, we have IT support to help us in the technology category. Moreover, USJ has human resource team to recruit good professors for helping student in the learning process. USJ also provide training to the teachers in order to share their teaching experience to other. All these things drive USJ move forward.

Apr 23, 2012

Porter's Five Forces Analysis of USJ

For USJ, I think the bargaining power of buyers – students’ power in Macau is not that high because we only have few good universities in Macau. As the high school graduate students wants to take their licentiate degree, it seems they don’t have many choices, but still have some, as the result, I think that students’ power is right in the medium level. On the other case, If the student wants to student in Macau and learning under a totally western teaching system, the power of them are low, because USJ is the only one which is running western teaching system in Macau.

In the bargaining power of suppliers, I would like to give one example here. For instance, USJ wants buy 1000 chairs from A company, once there only has one chair supply in the market, the supplier’s bargaining power must be very high. However, if there have some different suppliers, USJ will try to contact with other supplier in order to cut their cost and increase the value. Under this situation, USJ has more bargaining power than the supplier. As we know there have various suppliers in Mainland or other places for supplying chairs, so that USJ seems has high bargaining power in this case.

USJ is an education institution of providing service in Macau, it provides high quality of education to students. If someone establishes an institution for providing similar courses to the Macau resident, those institutions will affect the income of USJ, they make another choice for customers, so that those institutions are the substitute of USJ. Under this pressure, USJ has to increase its competitive advantages and promote its unique selling point – western teaching style to keep raising the rate of new register. Also, USJ should increase its teaching quality as well or cut their tuition fee to attract more students.

Threat of new entrants, to run an university in Macau, investor has to invest a lot of money on the project owing we don’t have many students here in Macau, so that it’s really hard for new competitor to achieve break-even, and also it needs to spend huge money on getting people’s eyes. I think capital is one of the threats of new entrants. Secondly, new entrants have to reach the requirement from the government, this is another threat.

Apr 20, 2012


The political factor In the Macau does not really influence USJ in operation. Owing to Macau has a very stable political environment which performances One Country Two System, and also we don’t have any terrorism, war or conflict here. The most important things can affect USJ are Funding, grants and initiatives, Government policies. To reduce the funding will reduce the research as well, it’s trying to slowdown the development of technology, general quality of education and USJ’s extension. For the government policies, one popular topic we are talking is that we should allow foreign student who is studying in Macau also employed by local enterprise after graduated from university, they can get Macau ID card. In this case we can see that if Macau government allows launching this policy, there may have more foreign students come to USJ to study and looking for a job in order to get the Macau ID, as the result, it increases income of USJ.

We can come up with the basic concepts, if we don’t have money or we earn less than before, and there are some different universities with different price for you to choose, probably people usually choose the university which they can afford. So, we the home economy goes down, the general atmosphere will influence customer’s decision making. In case RMB currency appreciates, Mainland’s people would like to spend the money in Macau rather than China especial the medium class or lower class.

The impacts from the social community are more focus on media, image of university and ethical issues. Once the university holds some events, it always needs to invite local or foreign media to come to do interview about the purpose of those events. Actually media is the most effective channel to promote the university, university can benefit from the media if it always does something right and valuable. Second, the activities of university should fit in the local ethical issue if it wants to get the loyalty from local resident, it has to be very careful about what does resident think of and react to the activities.

In the technology factor, I don’t think it’s important for an university because USJ just running a very basic system in the campus, those systems can be created by different software.

The only I am concerned about future legislation. For this part any industry will consider it as potential risk, but I don’t think it’s important for now.

I think staff attitudes, staff morale and staff engagement are the most important elements for an institution to operate well. If USJ can’t provide a comfortable environment to the lecturers, they may not like to engage into the activities which hold by the university and also they may not have the mood to prepare more useful and interesting material for the student, these will directly influence the teaching quality and the image of USJ.

Apr 18, 2012

Value Disciplines + Growth Phases

As University of Saint Joseph is a local high education institution. It’s main product is “service”, USJ would like to pay more attention on the quality of education, so that they hired many qualified professors from different places in order to increase the general quality of customer service (students). However, USJ seems to be a customer intimacy rather than product leadership according to the Treacy Wiersema. The university doesn’t only focus on value of every single transaction but also the long term value from its customer. Such as, for all under-graduated students, university would like to provide them better courses and ask them to stay in the university for taking master course as well, or Master to Doctor. Here is a example here, actually university won’t spend time on helping student to find a job, but USJ will hold “Career Day” and it also will try to invite more companies come to university for providing more job opportunity or choices to the student. This kind of work is extra service from USJ. It should be a individual work, but now USJ help them to due with owing to build up customer loyalty with customer. As the result, I think that USJ is mainly focus on “Customer intimacy”

According to the situation of USJ, I think that it belongs to Creativity, because compare to the scale of some old universities in Macau, the total student number of USJ is far less than others, and also USJ promote its unique selling points is that it’s the only one which is running western style and small class teaching in Macau. It’s one of the characteristic of creativity step in the theory. On the other side, some time it shows that its mission and vision is against to its operation. Here is an example, owing to keep the student, USJ seems giving more power to student, actually complain is one way to communicate with student or know something about the lecturer, but it’s not always truth. Some of the lecturer afraid of complain, they may just ignore the performance of student but still give them higher marks; it may against the mission and vision given by USJ.

Apr 16, 2012

Grouping Problem

I’m working in University of Saint Joseph, base on the class experience, I found that grouping is always a problem for the teacher.

In group work, there are some ways to form the groups, for examples:

1.      Teacher will randomly form groups by using excel formulas or going to the internet to find out some websites which can help teacher to due with the grouping problem.
2.      Teacher just needs to give them a maximum numbers of group mates, and then let the students choose by themselves.
3.      Teacher just forms the group by choosing half male and female randomly.

Contradictions involved

The problem is this, after formed the groups, some of student will come to you and complain that someone in the group do even show up after grouping or couldn’t contact with that person, so that it’s hard for them to finish their assignment, they feel unfair with no enough people. Secondly, because of the culture differentiation, there have some conflicts between group mates, so that they want to change the group in order to avoid conflicts. Thirdly, student complains that some of their group mates always miss the group meeting or didn’t send any document to them to combine. It’s pretty hard for teacher to solve, teacher can’t leave any student in the class, but also can't just ignore those groups which have the problem I mentioned above.

Viewpoints of various stakeholders:

People complain because of just want to be fair, even though the assignment is not that hard for them, but in the point of view of the teacher, university is trying to help you to understand the realistic society beside professional knowledge before students go out to work. It’s no problem of grouping with different people, even they are lazy or irresponsible enough. It’s hard to avoid these kinds of people in the company, for a mature student, they must understand the situation of their communities and try to find out a better way to solve the problem rather than waste time to complain to the boss, because they still have to finish the work which is required from the boss.

In realistic, they are right if they don’t have enough people to reach the goal of assignment, It’s difficult to them to fulfill the requirement of the teacher, they complain because they expect to do better. There are many responsible classmates in other group, so that they are jealous of others, as the result, fair will be the most suitable word for them to complain to the teacher.

Teacher has to follow the rule of university, manage the grouping very well, let student enjoy the class and willing to learn from you, also try his best to be fair for everyone in the class room.

Apr 13, 2012


How would you like to be remembered by others?
For every new face, it's not easy the people to remember you unless you give a very unforgettable first image to the people. As the result, the image can be divided by different types, I just make some examples here. Fist, dressing style, if you dress like her, I’m sure everyone will remember you. Second, just to be nice to talk with the people, normally good person is usually welcome for anyone; people would like to make a friend with them, so that they are easily to be remembered of course. On the other hand, personal abilities are part of your image, so that it also becomes one of the factors to let people remember you. For me I will choose the methods I mention above to let people remember me, personal image, attitude and abilities are pretty significant factors for people to keep your face and characteristics in memory.

Why is that important for you?
In order to create my business in the future, I would like to build up a very strong network when I’m saving my start-up capital. If you build up a good relationship with your friends, customer, supplier and government, you business should be run very successful and convenient. Sometimes people kill many times to think about where can I get the money, it’s totally waste of time. Think of your network, just have a lunch with your friends, they may give some good suggestions to you. Unfortunately, if you didn’t build up any good GuanXi with the people around you, the result of your business would be failure. In realistic, here has one oil industrial giant – Shell, it fails to run its business in Nigeria because of ignoring the nature environment of Nigeria which is affected by its oil spill. That’s why GuanXi for me is very important.

Are you doing your best to achieve it?
Yes of course.

What is preventing you from achieving your dream?
1.      Lack of professional knowledge
2.      Lack of patience
3.      Poor time management
4.      Careless
5.      Don’t have regular rest time ( sleep late and get up late )

What can you do to progress closer to your dream?
1.      I do study hard and learn more experience from the people.
2.      Dressing formally to meet my customer is required by me.
3.      To be nice means try to increase my EQ up, improving of course.